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First off, let’s look at some key words to help you understand negotiations:

To Afford Something:  to have enough money to pay for something
A Bargain/To Bargain: is an agreement between two or more people or groups as to what each will do for the other
A Proposal: A plan or suggestion presented to a group of people to consider.
A Commitment vs. A Compromise: This is a common mistake Spanish speakers make.  A commitment is an obligation to do or deliver something while a compromise is when you get less than you wanted, but you also give less than you had expected.
Intermediary: Is a person who communicates between two parties during a negotiation process
To make or close the deal:  agree to the contract and be signed by both parties
Party: Either side in a negotiation is known as a party
Tentative Solution:  an agreement that depends on some conditions, so that it might not be a final agreement
The Terms of the Deal: What are the conditions of the contract
Trade-Off: an exchange process in which one side gives up partly on some issues in order to gain on other issues


And here are some useful expressions to keep in mind:

When you want to show you understand and or agree with someone:
I agree with you on that point.
That’s a fair suggestion.
You have a strong point there.
I think we can both agree that…
I don’t see any problem with/harm in that

When you want to politely disagree with someone:
I understand where you’re coming from; however,…
I’m prepared to compromise, but…
I’m afraid I had something different in mind.
From my perspective…
I can see why you say that, but I’d have to disagree with you there.
Could we consider another offer?
Bear in mind/Keep in mind that…

And when you are ready to make that deal or think it over (consider) the agreement:              
Let’s leave it this way for now.
I’m willing to work with that.
I think we could both agree to these terms.
I think we should get this in writing.
If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop and think about this for a little while.
You’ve given me a lot to think about/consider.
Let’s meet again once we’ve had some time to think.

Finally, it is very important to consider who you are negotiating with. Each country/culture has their own technique and it is highly suggested you are prepared to expect different reactions. Take a look at this fascinating link on how to negotiate with people around the world:

 And a short video on negotiating:        (Level B1)


Photo Source: tips on how to be good at negotiating and getting what you want.


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