It’s a new year and it is time for a new challenge. Once a month, we want to give you an objective to help you enjoy the art of English. We thought we would propose some ideas and give you as many resources as possible to help you achieve it! What do you think?
It is chilly (cold) outside and there is nothing better than curling up (to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body) on the sofa with a good book, magazine, blog and reading the hours away.
So, for January, we want you to read more! Here are our suggestions on how to start motivating yourselves to pick something up in English and read!
Claire Suggests:
if you want a real magazine to read then The Economist or Newsweek are both good as they give a summary of world events for the week. They can also be accessed online of course, but for a fee.
Madeleine Suggests:
Brain Pickings — A fantastic blog which never fails to deliver something great and life inspiring!
Guardian’s Architecture and Design Critic Blog – Oliver Wainright
It’s Not Luck, Eliyahu M. Goldratt (Book)
Written more like a novel, this is a business book with a difference. The story takes you on a journey of a man as he tries to juggle (balance) life and work, (with some key business methods and theories within the text.)
* Great for extending business (Economics/ Marketing/ Production/ Manufacturing) and general vocabulary
Tim Suggests:
I prefer real books and magazines! But is a favorite of mine for finding amazing stuff…Kind of like a search engine that brings you not just anything at all, but wacky different sites relating to what you are looking for. Downside you can waste entire lifetimes stumbling from site to site!!!
Heidi Suggests:
If the above ideas have not got the best of your curiosity, try reading short stories. My favorite writer to use in class is John Cheever
For newspapers from all over the world, try
My all time favorite magazine: The New Yorker
Visit your local bookstore for some suggestions as well! In Barcelona, you can try Come In or Bcn Books
Here are some Famous Authors sharing their opinion on reading to help inspire you.
And if that isn’t enough, how about giving yourself a reading challenge checklist? Check it out HERE
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